International Code of Phylogenetic Nomenclature (PhyloCode)

Division II. Rules

Chapter II. Publication

Article 5. Publication Requirements


The publication date for names established under this code is the date on which a publication, as defined in Article 4 (see especially Note 4.2.1), first becomes available either in print or online. In the absence of proof establishing some other date, the one appearing in the publication itself must be accepted as correct.


If the date appearing in the publication specifies the month but not the day, the last day of that month is to be adopted as the publication date.


If the date appearing in the publication specifies the year but not the month, the last day of that year is to be adopted as the publication date.


When separates are issued in advance of the work (periodical or book) that contains them, the date of the separate constitutes the date of publication, unless there is evidence that it is erroneous.